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Probiotics in Europe: consumer survey in 8 EU countries shows positive consumer perception and regulatory limitations

Probiotics in Europe: country results of the consumer survey link To monitor the evolution of European consumers’ opinions, trends and behaviours regarding probiotic foods and supplements, the International Probiotics Association – Europe commissioned the market research company 3Gem to carry out a survey with a representative sample. The evolution of European consumers’ opinions, trends and ...

Probiotic market and trend analysis 2018-2021

The updated market data for probiotic products (yoghurts and drinking milk, supplements and sour milks) with data comparisons from 2018 to 2021 is now available. IPA Europe has elaborated Euromonitor figures and specific data on online sales of probiotic supplements from Lumina Intelligence. Here some relevant findings: The global market of probiotic supplements is valued at US$ ...

Joint statement IPA Europe – European Dairy Association (EDA)

7th March 2022 The European Dairy Association (EDA) and the International Probiotics Association – Europe (IPA Europe) want to highlight the contribution that the probiotic sector can make on a number of the objectives listed in the EU Farm to Fork Strategy, and jointly ask for a clear engagement of the European Commission and stakeholders on the ...

20th Anniversary of the FAO/WTO definition of probiotic microorganisms in food and food supplements

One definition that fits all probiotic food and food supplements:“Live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”: 20 years ago the world leading groups of experts FAO/WTO defined probiotics during the conference in Cordoba, Argentina. Every part of the probiotic definition is important. In a joint activity, IPA ...

Healthy ageing and probiotics – the webinar results

What is the secret of healthy ageing? How can we ensure a long existence, while maintaining a high quality of life and a strong health? These were the topics of the webinar held on July 13th, organised by IPA Europe in collaboration with the International 11th Congress Probiotics, Prebiotics and new Foods. Featuring Professor Claudio ...