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Event “Healthier citizens and a stronger economy in the EU”

On 18th February, Rosanna Pecere, Executive Director of IPA Europe, attended the event “Healthier citizens and a stronger economy in the EU”, organised by EHPM in the European Parliament, hosted by Belgian MEP Pascal Arimont and Italian MEP Simona Bonafè. After the keynote speech of the MEP Pascal Arimont (EPP; Belgium), Ms Livia Menichetti, EHPM’s ...

SupplySide West, Las Vegas

Last week (6-10 November), Rosanna Pecere (Executive Director IPA Europe) attended Supply Side West (SSW) 2018 – where strategy meets science – in Las Vegas. At this event, leaders in dietary supplement, beverage, functional food, personal care and sports nutrition shared expertise in product development for the global economy. To facilitate navigation, IPA provided the ...

Meeting with the European Food safety Authority (EFSA)

On 18 January 2019, IPA Europe met with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Parma, Italy, for a scientific discussion. This enabled IPA Europe scientific experts to gain a better understanding of the EFSA role and remit, particularly with regard to scientific substantiation of health claims made on food. A debate also took place ...

9th International Akademie Fresenius Conference “Health Claims and Functional Ingredients”

Health claims and Functional Ingredients: several aspects of the Health Claims Regulations were presented during the Conference “Health Claims and Functional Ingredients” (link), hosted by  Akedemie Fresenius in Mainz (DE) on 4th and 5th June 2019. The conference’s structure was divided into three different panels: the Legal frame, Application and Authorisation, Nutrition and Functional Ingredients. ...


On Monday 9th September 2019, Esbend Laulund, President IPA Europe, opened the session  “THE GLOBAL VOICE OF PROBIOTICS IPA/IPA EUROPE SESSION: How to define a comprehensive approach for the definition of the probiotic category (nutrition relevance and scientific requirements)”. With the help of the experts, we gathered to discuss issues pertaining to the interplay between ...

Workshop on “Probiotics and Innovation”

Over 45 representatives, including Member States’ authorities, stakeholders and the European Commission, attended the Workshop on “Probiotics and Innovation” organized in Brussels by the Permanent Representation of Denmark on 6 May. Read the Press Release Read the IPA Europe presentation ...

Clinical evidence and not microbiota outcomes drive value of probiotics

The International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP), immediately reacted to the recent papers by Zmora, et al and Suez, et al, with scientific arguments to counter the inaccurate information on probiotics: Hundreds of human trials have demonstrated clinical benefits of probiotics and several evidence-based recommendations have been issued by medical organizations. This irresponsible ...

IPA Europe contends that the recent studies, questioning the health benefits of probiotics, basically confirm the knowledge that we already have on probiotics: namely that probiotic strains are indeed likely to have individual responses.

It is regrettable that, although the authors themselves state that the microbiota is influenced by very many factors and is extremely diverse, their ‘study group” consists of only 8 people, which is too small to be able to reliably evaluate so many parameters or to draw any far-reaching conclusions. Read the Press Release ...