IPA Europe is a non-profit international association, based in the heart of the European district in Brussels, that represents the interests of the European Probiotic Industry in all discussions with the European Institutions, the European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA), international institutions and national authorities, aiming to consolidate the probiotic category and boost EU competitiveness.
Together, IPA & IPA Europe are engaged in establishing a clear framework for the use of the term probiotics, to better address the challenges the probiotic sector is facing and contribute actively to the international debate in the Codex Alimentarius. (Join us)
Enterprise number BE 0633.510.166
EU Transparency Register 294688218286 – 10

Yakult / Bart Degeest
Board Members
BioGaia / Carolina Mofors
ChrHansen / Niklas Larsson
IFF / Sebastien Guery
Lallemand / Solange Henoud
Lesaffre / Sophie Legrain
Probi / Anita Johansen
THT-Puratos / François Heroufosse
George Paraskevakos /IPA, observer
Working Groups and Committees
On the 30th May 2024 Svend Laulund (Chr Hansen) was nominated as Chair of the Steering Committe.
On 19th September 2023 Sylvie Binda (Lallemand) was confirmed as Chair of the Scientific Working Group.
On 19th Settembre 2023 Karen Vokes (IFF) was confirmed as Chair of the Regulatory Committee

Rosanna Pecere
IPA Europe
Executive Director